Lay Out Area

Security and comfort you, to be our priority. Choice of location for the outing activities - gathering your group has been equipped with various facilities such as:
- Energy Security (guard)
- Facilities Accommodation (bungalows, tents and hotel rooms)
- Camping Area
- Area Outbound
- Areas with special games children (tree house)
- Garden Strawberry
- Area Painball
- ATV tracks
- Gazebo, Pendopo and Saung
- Toilet for camping activities
- Restaurant
- Area wide parking
- Insurance Program for outbound activities
- As well as other supporting facilities

1 komentar:

  1. Yuk gabung bersama kami untuk mendukung pariwisata di Indonesia. Bagikan informasimu tentang tempat wisata di bandung. Saling berbagi itu indah ..
